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Air Conditioning Replacement near me


AJ’s Air offers Air Conditioning Services for the Kissimmee and Florida community, find out how can we help your home and business. AJ’s Air is a family owned and operated licensed commercial / residential air conditioning & refrigeration company with over 35 years of experience. Our goal is to save our clients money and give […]

Learn about air purification technologies

Air purification technologies can be integrated with HVAC systems and clean the air in your house, improving health. Learn about these systems and their benefits. In the air at home there can be many allergens, viruses and pollutants harmful to the health of its inhabitants.  Purifying the air at home to ensure good indoor air […]

How to properly use heating systems at night or when you’re not at home

HVAC and heating systems should be used differently at night, or when there’s no one at home, than during the day. Take a look at these tips. Heating is one of the most important systems that exist in a house, and even in some areas of the country it is absolutely essential. Based on this, […]

How to use the Dry mode in your air conditioning system

Learn about Dry mode in air conditioning systems, and how can it help cool your house while reducing humidity. Possibly with the arrival of summer you have started to gather information about air conditioners. Dry mode is a function of the device which works as a dehumidifier, whose main purpose is to remove moisture in […]

Importance or air conditioning on industrial operations

Air conditioning systems is one of the features that cannot miss within the industrial sector because they allow simplify many tasks and make the experience more pleasant inside the factory premises. The production centers are usually spaces full of machines and people operating constantly, causing large amounts of heat are generated, which means that the […]

How to clean your air conditioning unit

How to clean your air conditioning unit

Find out how to clean you HVAC split system by following these simple instructions. First of all, don’t turn on your air conditioner if it has been off for months. If you do, even for a few seconds, all you will do is spray dirt and bacteria into the room. It is most common to […]

How to reduce energy consumption in air conditioning systems

Several studies show that electricity consumption increases substantially in summer. So, if we do not want to take unwanted scares this summer, it is best to review certain aspects to reduce electricity consumption derived from air conditioning. To achieve these savings there are no shortcuts: the technical characteristics of the device and the efficient use […]

History of residential air conditioning

residential air conditioning

At AJ’s Air, the best commercial and residential AC service, we believe that it is almost impossible to spend a summer without air conditioning. However, the air conditioning history goes back a little over a hundred years ago. When we talk about modern residentail air conditioning, we must remember Willis Haviland Carrier, who invented it […]

AJ’S Air HVAC cleaning services for air purification

AJ'S Air HVAC cleaning services

At AJ’s Air, the best commercial and residential AC service, we belie ve that the process of HVAC cleaning is essential to ensure the quality of the air we breathe. Our specialists develop custom air treatment and purification plans that have restorative applications or stand-alone applications. For example, after a fire, it is very possible […]

What an extra hour of daylight means for your air conditioning unit

What an extra hour of daylight means for your air conditioning unit

At AJ’s Air, the best AC service in Orlando, Florida, we advise you on everything that you need to know about your air conditioning unit. This time, we decided to talk about what year-round daylight savings time in Florida means for your air conditioning unit. Although the Sunshine Protection Act, which would maintain daylight saving […]
