How to use the Dry mode in your air conditioning system

Learn about Dry mode in air conditioning systems, and how can it help cool your house while reducing humidity.

Possibly with the arrival of summer you have started to gather information about air conditioners. Dry mode is a function of the device which works as a dehumidifier, whose main purpose is to remove moisture in homes.

This mainly affects older buildings in which there is a high percentage of humidity. As many of you may know, humidity has many prejudices on the respiratory system. Among all these 4 are the most common:

  • Respiratory infections
  • Asthma problems
  • Allergy problems.
  • Aggravation of the symptoms of rheumatism and other bone diseases.

To prevent this from happening, it is convenient to use the ¨Dry¨ function in the air conditioning system.

What is Dry mode used for and how does it work?

Below we will show you how to use the Dry mode and how it works. Thanks to this mode is possible to use the dehumidifier system, which facilitates the process of air conditioning your home.

It is also possible to activate the Cool mode in the Dry option, thanks to this mode you can lower the temperature while lowering the humidity. Dry mode decreases humidity to a great extent without stopping cooling, achieving remarkable reduction of the environmental humidity. Thanks to this system it is possible to acclimatize the space.

Advantages of Dry Mode:

One of the main advantages of the Dry mode is the dehumidification of the air and in this way the environment is less loaded and it is less stifling to breathe.

Another main advantage is the conservation of the space since the excess of humidity can lead to the fall of paint, appearance of mold. Thanks to this, we will obtain a fresher and decontaminated sensation of the air.

How to adjust the Dry air conditioner?

The remote control can present two variants to reach the Dry mode. The first one, by pressing the Mode button to reach Dry. The second one, by pressing directly the Dry mode on the remote control.

Each time you press the Mode button, the mode will change in the order of Auto, Cool, Dry and Fan. Press Dry.

 What is the difference between Cool mode and Dry mode?

In the Cool mode the temperature can be adjusted between 60°F and 86 F° while in the Dry mode the temperature can be adjusted between 64 F° and 86 F°. The fan speed can only be adjusted in Cool mode.

It is recommended to use the dry mode when it is raining, humid and sticky indoors and cool enough that you do not want to run the air conditioner in Cool mode. Dry mode may not work well on a hot summer day. In this case, Cool mode is much more advisable.