We know that in South Florida the weather is mostly hot throughout the year, so we have the air conditioning on for most of the day. This implies that many times unnecessary losses of energy are generated that could be optimized if it goes to specialized personnel. Todat we want to share these 5 tips to protect your AC.
How to protect my AC system at home or office?
If you want to install an AC system in your home, apartment or office, keep these tips in mind:
1 – Listen to the professionals
There are many people who want to install their own AC equipment to save a few cents, but do not have the technical knowledge required. Leave that task to the experts, a bad installation is not only illegal but dangerous. The cheap can be expensive.
2 – Perfect temperature
Most air-conditioned rooms or offices are below what it should be. This bad temperature regulation (heat outside and cold inside) and sudden changes can cause illness, so keep in mind that the perfect temperature is 78.8ºF, whether for your home office.
3 – Take care of the AC equipment
In addition to preventing the equipment from working excessively, the air conditioner must be placed in a place where it has ventilation and is protected from overheating, humidity and sunlight, so it must be in a place where there is good air circulation.
4 – Equipment performance and capabilities
Acquire AC equipment in a trusted place, with authorized distributors, and check the consumption information, cooling capacity and electric current that it handles.
5 -Keep the fresh air
The refrigeration specialist will be responsible for installing the AC equipment in strategic locations so that its performance is optimized. In this way, fresh air will be better distributed and less energy consumed.
Always contact specialized technical personnel. In AJ’s Air and Refrigeration Inc. You can count on us for the installation and maintenance of your air conditioning system.